The Graceful Artist

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What I Am Working On

Can't believe I still have 5 faithful followers, I post so seldom.  Lots of activity here.  Daughter got married which kept me pretty busy, then 2 days later my new Step Grand Daughter In Law, Sarah, got in an auto accident with a UPS truck and was in ICU for nearly a week. She suffered slight brain' bruising', whatever that means.  It affected her speech and right side of her body.  It has been over a month now and she has been in both speech and physical therapy.  She is at home and can finally walk by herself without wobbling and needing someone to hold on to her.  Her speech is improving and she and dd sit here with me and do 'art therapy' which is helping improve her eye/hand coordination.  Full recovery is expected and she will be able to graduate.

So.  I have been busy.

Now I am looking ahead to getting some art in.  I have joined the 29 faces and am excited to also be taking the Portraits course by Rhomany.  It is awesome!  This woman gives you so much information that other instructors always seem to think you already know.  And you don't have to draw an oval (I can't. They are always wonky) she works from squares and it MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.    I can't tell you (well, won't confess) how many on line portrait classes I have taken, but still spend most of the time erasing.  It shouldn't be that difficult.  Now it won't be.  I highly recommend Rhomany's Portraits course.  I've signed up for all 3.  She has female, male and the last is stylized which teaches clothing and accessories and stuff like that I think.  Don't care.  Want them all.  I actually learn from Rhomany.

Here's the link:

Check it out.  She also has a Ustream channel that I watched before signing up for the class.

So here are 2 faces (before Rhomany's class started) that took me most of the 2 days to complete.  The 3rd day I threw away.  It was really bad.

Above is May 1.  This gal needs better shampoo and conditioner, doesn't she?  Very limp.

This is May 2.  You may notice that I didn't mess with hair at all on this one.  I don't know what to do with hair.  Rhomany will teach me.  Also, they are already beginning to look like the same person, just with different bad hair days.  I have GOT to learn not to draw the same face over and over, in spite of all the erasing!!!

Well, gonna work this weekend on my Rhomany homework, so I'm thinking I might not actually make 29 faces.  Or will.  Guess I and you faithful 5 will find out.

Love ya