The Graceful Artist

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas to all!

Hope everyone has a very very lovely Christmas Day!

I know I have been among the missing.  I'm never sure what to say so I decided I would just ramble on.

One reason I have been among the missing is that I am busy taking Art lessons on-line!  I have always wanted to learn to draw, and lately have wanted to learn both mixed media and collage.  Beginning to get tired of doing cards.  Not certain what I will do with the new finished artwork projects, but I didn't know what to do with all those cards either.  It's all for fun anyway.

Right now I am busy with Tamara Laporte's Portrait class, then I will do Whimsey and Art Journal (me, and Art Journal!!!).  Her Life Book series starts in January and from the looks of it will keep me pretty busy.  I also want to take several of Suzi Blu's classes

When I finish something I won't mind people seeing, I will post it here.  In the meantime, here are a few cards I have done.  Could we call them a Christmas present?